Saturday 27 July 2024
County Pest
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 2 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 27 °C.
County Baranya
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 2 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 27 °C.
County Bács-Kiskun
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 2 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 27 °C.
County Békés
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 1 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 25 °C.
County Csongrád-Csanád
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 2 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 27 °C.
County Fejér
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 2 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 27 °C.
County Győr-Moson-Sopron
Mark Grade Event Description
Thunderstorm Degree: 1 Thunderstorm Attention! Thunderstorm (lightning) is expected, possibly accompanied by stormy gusts and hail.
High temperature Degree: 2 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 27 °C.
County Hajdú-Bihar
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 1 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 25 °C.
County Heves
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 1 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 25 °C.
County Komárom-Esztergom
Mark Grade Event Description
Thunderstorm Degree: 1 Thunderstorm Attention! Thunderstorm (lightning) is expected, possibly accompanied by stormy gusts and hail.
High temperature Degree: 2 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 27 °C.
County Nógrád
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 1 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 25 °C.
County Somogy
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 2 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 27 °C.
County Szabolcs-Szatmár-Bereg
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 1 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 25 °C.
County Jász-Nagykun-Szolnok
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 1 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 25 °C.
County Tolna
Mark Grade Event Description
High temperature Degree: 2 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 27 °C.
County Vas
Mark Grade Event Description
Thunderstorm Degree: 1 Thunderstorm Attention! Thunderstorm (lightning) is expected, possibly accompanied by stormy gusts and hail.
High temperature Degree: 1 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 25 °C.
County Veszprém
Mark Grade Event Description
Thunderstorm Degree: 1 Thunderstorm Attention! Thunderstorm (lightning) is expected, possibly accompanied by stormy gusts and hail.
High temperature Degree: 1 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 25 °C.
County Zala
Mark Grade Event Description
Thunderstorm Degree: 1 Thunderstorm Attention! Thunderstorm (lightning) is expected, possibly accompanied by stormy gusts and hail.
High temperature Degree: 1 High temperature Daily mean temperature can be expected above 25 °C.
HungaroMet: 2024-07-27 02:00 (00:00 UTC)  [wcex]
Limitations of the weather warnings
We would like to draw your attention that in spite of using most relevant technology, methodology and meteorological knowledge, it is not possible to issue warning for all severe atmospheric event at the appropriate level and with the necessary time lead!

A weather warning or alarm issued for an area means that the atmospheric conditions are favourable for the development of the named severe weather event at or near the location for which the warning or alarm was made. Therefore there is no guarantee that the event will occur within the warned area.

You can read more about the weather warnings and its limitations here.