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Conferences, workshops

HungaroMet: 2019. november 29. 09:34

10th Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control and 5th Conference on Spatial Interpolation Techniques in Climatology and Meteorology – 2020

12–14 October, 2020
OMSZ (Hungarian Meteorological Service)


Organizers and supporters

OMSZ logo     EUMETNET logo     World Meteorological Organization logo



Seminar for Homogenization and Quality Control in Climatological Databases in 2019 will be the tenth jubilee meeting. From 2014 the Interpolation Conference were organized together with the Seminars considering certain theoretical and practical aspects, as there is a strong connection between these topics since the homogenization and quality control procedures requires spatial statistics and interpolation techniques for spatial comparison of data. The serial of Homogenization Seminars and Interpolation Conferences have been hosted by the Hungarian Meteorological Service. The proceedings of the Conference were published on the WMO/WCP/WCDMP website.


The homogeneous data series with high quality and the spatial interpolation are indispensable for the climatological and meteorological examinations. The primary goal of this meeting is to promote the discussion about the methodological and theoretical aspects.

The main topics of homogenization and quality control are intended to be the following:

  • Methods for homogenization and quality control of monthly data series
  • Spatial comparison of series, inhomogeneity detection, correction of series
  • Methods for homogenization and quality control of daily data series, examination of parallel measurements
  • Relation of monthly and daily homogenization, mathematical formulation of homogenization for climate data series generally
  • Theoretical evaluation and benchmark for methods, validation statistics
  • Applications of different homogenization and quality control methods, experiences with different meteorological variables
  • Climate monitoring products

 The main topics of spatial interpolation are the following:

  • Temporal scales: from synoptic situations to climatological mean values
  • Interpolation formulas and loss functions depending on the spatial probability distribution of climate variables
  • Estimation and modelling of statistical parameters (e.g.: spatial trend, covariance or variogram) for interpolation formulas
    using spatiotemporal sample and auxiliary model variables (topography)
  • Use of auxiliary co-variables, background information (e.g.: dynamical model results, satellite, radar data) for
    spatial interpolation (data assimilation, reanalysis)
  • Applications of different interpolation methods for the meteorological and climatological fields
  • Gridded databases, gridded climate monitoring products, digital climate atlases, climate normals

Publication of the papers in a proceedings in the serial WMO/WCP/WCDMP is foreseen after the meeting.

Scientific Organization Committee

Barbara Chimani (ZAMG)
Peer Hechler (WMO)
Monika Lakatos (OMSZ)
Ole Einar Tveito (MetNo)
Tamás Szentimrey (Varimax Ltd)


Budapest, Hungary
12-14 October 2020


13:00-17:00 (CET) 


Opening addresses by Kornélia Radics President of the Hungarian Meteorological Service; Peer Hechler, WMO representative and organizers

Statement by Peer Hechler, Scientific Officer, WMO

Session Chair: Peer Hechler

Blair Trewin, Enric Aguilar, Ingeborg Auer, Jose Antonio Guijarro, Peer Hechler, Mónika Lakatos, Matthew Menne, Ghulam Rasul, Clara Rojas, Tamás Szentimrey, Victor Venema, Xiaolan Wang:
Implementing homogenization in national meteorological services – the WMO Task Team on Homogenization guidance

Victor Venema:
The deleted chapter on future research needs

Tamás Szentimrey:
Mathematical questions of homogenization and summary of MASH

15:00 – 15:20 coffee break


15:20 – 17:00 PLENARY

Session Chair: Tamás Szentimrey

Ralf Lindau and Victor Venema:
Relative statistical homogenization of observational networks with a low signal to noise ratio

Peter Domonkos:
Capacity of Acmantv4 for Homogenizing Climatic Datasets of National Meteorological Services

J.A. Guijarro and E. Aguilar:
Quality control and homogenization of the daily series of the ECA&D database under the INDECIS project

Magnus Joelsson, Christophe Sturm, Johan Södling, and Erik Engström:
Birth of Bart: Automation and evaluation of the interactive mode of the homogenisation software HOMER

13:00-17:00 (CET)

13:00 – 15:00 PLENARY

Session Chair: Jose A. Guijarro

Athanassios Argiriou, Anna Mamara and Panagiotis Ioannidis:
Analysis of parallel measurements of daily maximum and minimum temperatures in Greece

Johan Södling:
A method for creating realistic temporal gaps in time series data

Ciara Ryan, Mary Curley, Conor Murphy and Seamus Walsh:
Developing a high quality, long term rainfall network for the Island of Ireland 1900-2018.

Yizhak Yosef; Enric Aguilar; Pinhas Alpert:
Long-term trends in extreme temperature and precipitation indices for Israel based on a new daily homogenized database

Elinah Khasandi Kuya, Herdis Motrøen Gjelten & Ole Einar Tveito:
Homogenization of Norway's monthly temperature and precipitation series

15:00 – 15:20 coffe break


15:20 – 17:00 PLENARY

Session Chair: Victor Venema

Beatrix Izsák, Mónika Lakatos, Rita Pongrácz, Tamás Szentimrey, Olivér Szentes:
Joint homogenization of time series with unequal length by applying the MASH procedure

Roeland Van Malderen, E. Pottiaux, A. Klos, P. Domonkos, M. Elias, T. Ning, O. Bock, J. Guijarro, F. Alshawaf, M. Hoseini, A. Quarello, E. Lebarbier, B. Chimani, V. Tornatore, S. Zengin Kazancı, and J. Bogusz:
Break detection in integrated water vapour benchmark datasets

Moritz Buchmann:
Evaluating the robustness of snow climate indicators using a unique set of parallel snow measurement series

Gernot Resch, Barbara Chimani, Roland Koch, Wolfgang Schöner, Christoph Marty:
Homogenization of long-term snow observations

13:00-17:00 (CET)

13:00 – 15:00 PLENARY

Session Chair: Barbara Chimani

Tamás Szentimrey:
Mathematical questions of spatial interpolation and summary of MISH

Beatrix Izsák, Tamás Szentimrey, Mónika Lakatos, Zita Bihari, Andrea Kircsi:
Transformation of CarpatClim datasets for grid-box average datasets

Moritz Bandhauer, Francesco Isotta, Monika Lakatos, Beatrix Izsák, Olivér Szentes, Cristian Lussana, Ole Einar Tveito and Christoph Frei:
Evaluation of the precipitation climate E-OBS and ERA5 with high-resolution grid datasets in European regions

Irene Garcia Marti, Gerard van der Schrier, Else van den Besselaar, Cristina Rojas Labanda, Fidel Gonzalez-Rouco:
Development of the  E-OBS wind strength dataset

Mónika Lakatos, Tamás Szentimrey, Beatrix Izsák, Olivér Szentes, Lilla Hoffmann, Andrea Kircsi, Zita Bihari:
Comparative study of CARPATCLIM, E-OBS and ERA5 dataset

15:00 – 15:20 coffee break


15:20 – 16:10 PLENARY

Session Chair: Ole Einar Tveito

Andrés Chazarra:
Development of high resolution gridded datasets of monthly temperature since 1916 for Spain

Wil Laura:
Actualization of National Climate Classification Map of Peru

16:10 – 17:00 Poster session

Peter Kajaba, Katarína Mikulová, Maroš Turňa, Jakub Ridzoň:
Climatic characteristics used in the design roadway

Svetlana Aniskevich, Viesturs Zandersons:
Change point detection in monthly mean air temperature observations in Latvia

Elke Rustemeier; M. Ziese; A. Rauthe-Schöch; A. Becker; P. Finger; U. Schneider:
Evaluation of interpolation scheme and extreme value indices based on GPCC‘s Full Data Daily

Miroslav Trnka, Petr Štěpánek,  Zdeněk Žalud, Pavel Zahradníček,  Martin Možný, Jan Balek, Daniela Semerádová, Monika Bláhová, Eva Svobodová:
Climate monitoring products for farmers in the Czech Republic


Download here in PDF.

» Abstract Book


Group photo

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Group photo of the Jubilee Seminar on 14 October 2020

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Conference Proceedings

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