Friday 26 April 2024
LÉGKÖR - Quarterly Newsletter

Vol. 61, No. 1 * Vol. 61, No. 1 * Pages 1–44 * 2016

Newsletter of the Hungarian Meteorological Service
and the Hungarian Meteorological Society (in Hungarian)


János Unger and Ágnes Sáhó: In Memoriam Prof. György Koppány


Kornélia Radics and Márta Tölgyesiné Puskás: The Work of Miklós Konkoly Thege in Interest of Meteorology

Lajos Bartha: In Memoriam Miklós Konkoly Thege − Commemoration on the Occasion of the 100. Anniversary of his Death

Elemér Konkoly: The Konkolÿ Thege Family

Zoltán Dunkel: The Museum Founder

Ákos Németh: Wreathing of the Tomb of Miklós Konkoly Thege on the 100th Anniversary of His Death

Ákos Németh: News of Hungarian Meteorological Society

Judit Bartholy: Report about the 4th Session of IFMS

Ágnes Sáhó: World Meteorological Day 23rd March 2016

Róbert Tóth: Award of Mrs. Nagy Observer for the World Meteorological Day

Róbert Tóth: Interview with Ferenc Zsótér

Lilla Hoffmann: Weather of 2015

Lilla Hoffmann: Weather of Winter 2015/2016

LÉGKÖR - Quarterly Newsletter